Congratulations to the DES Tiger of the Week, District Psychologist Carmena Vital. Ms. Vital is busy at DES working on IEP planning, supervising interns, reading assessments and interventions. Thank you for helping so many students and staff through out our DES community,
2 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week Carmen Vital.
It is time for another round of District Updates! Click here for the latest news:
2 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD banner
There are two tigers to recognize this week, Food Service Manager Dayna Gibbs and DES multi tasker Mindy Suihkonen who works as a Kindergarten Para, Yard Duty, and cafeteria supervisor. DES is fortunate to have this dynamic duo working on their campus!
2 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES tiger of the week Dayna Gibbs.
Picture of the DES tiger of the week Mindy Suihkonen..
2 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD banner.
New VAPA teacher Mrs. Anderson is our Tiger of the Week! She hit the ground running in October after being hired and has worked with all of our grade levels and is currently planning for the Grandparent's Day performances. Thank you for all the fresh ideas and enthusiasm you are bringing to the DES community.
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week Mrs. Anderson.
DUSD wishes all of our families and community a Happy and Safe President's Weekend. Over the four day break catch up on all the District news here:
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD tree
It's time for the February/Valentine subscription pick up. Thank you Durham Floral Program for the beautiful arrangements!
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DHS floral arrangement.
Congratulations to Mrs. Polivka, our DES Tiger of the Week. She is a star in the cafeteria and around campus! Thank you for the positive impact to our community and the tasty treat ideas for our students.
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week, Mrs. Polivka.
The week in review is available! Please check here for all the District updates:
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Hello Durham Unified families, This is a reminder that we serve breakfast at all our school sites. If you forget to eat in the morning we have you covered !!
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the Breakfast flyer.
Picture of the Breakfast flyer in Spanish..
Another week, another Tiger! Congratulations to Malena Hawks on being recognized in the DES community for all the positivity and professionalism she brings!
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week Ms. Hawks.
More news from the previous week! Catch up on all the happenings in the district here:
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD logo.
Happy Birthday wishes and congratulations to another veteran teacher and Tiger of the Week. She has been a mainstay in the Durham community, thank you Mrs. Buttitta for your support and leadership with both students and colleagues.
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week flyer.
Let's give recognition to long time teacher Mr. Coffee our new Tiger of the Week!
3 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week Mr. Coffee.
The week in review, Superintendent's Update is live here:
4 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD banner.
There are new DIS Build updates and photos! Please check here:
4 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DIS Build progress.
DES is back with two new Tigers of the Week to celebrate! Thank you Mrs. Bertolucci & Mr. Glover for being such an important part of our community.
4 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tigers of the week Mr. Glover & Mrs. Bertolucci.
The frontage road that connects Goodspeed and Putney will be closed today from approximately 8:00AM-1:30PM for the DIS build project.
4 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DIS build map.
The week in review, Durham Unified updates from Superintendent John Bohannon are here:
4 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Additional TK information is here:
4 months ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the TK information flyer.
Picture of the TK information flyer.