This week DES again recognizes two Tigers of the Week. Thank you Randall & Becky for the care and dedication you give to our community.
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week flyer.
This week two teachers are being recognized by DES. 4th grade teacher Mrs. Masuda & Alternative Learning Environment Teacher Mrs. Mahling are the Tigers of the Week. Thank you for all of the positivity & energy that you both bring to the DES community!
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week banner.
A Happy Thanksgiving message from DUSD:
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture that says Happy Thanksgiving.
The DES Tiger of the Week gets an extra long holiday recognition and the recipient has more than earned the honor. 2nd Grade teacher and fixture in the DES community Morgan Alaways. Congratulations Mrs. Alaways!!
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week flyer.
This week we recognizes two Tigers that represent and demonstrate the qualities and character that make our DES community proud. Both give so much to our students and we are grateful for Ms. Mokres & Escobar to be involved at DES.
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the Tiger of the Week  flyer.
The Superintendent's weekly update is now posted. Take a look here:
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD banner.
The Tiger of the Week is District nurse Kristin Walters! Thank you for the positivity and care that you show for all of our students.
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the Tiger of the Week, nurse Kristin Walters.
It's another week of updates around the Durham Unified School District, check out the news and photos of our community and activities:
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD banner
This week's Tiger Spotlight is on teacher Megan Renner. Her main super power is her dedication and passion for our DES community!
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the Tiger of the Week teacher Megan Renner.
The Superintendent's Weekly Update is now live!
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD banner.
The Tiger Spotlight is on DHH Teacher Brittany Allen. Thank you for all that you bring to the DES community!
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES Tiger of the Week flyer.
It's another week of updates, please check the news about the DIS construction and campus events:
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
DES PTS Cookie Dough Pick Up When: Wednesday, 10/18 Where: Durham Memorial Hall (drive thru pick up) Time: 11:45AM-5:00PM
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DES cookie dough sale banner
Please check your Parent Square regarding an important event, Family Tech Talk. This webinar will include topics on internet safety, managing screen time, online risks and more.
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the Family Tech Talk flyer.
The Superintendent's Weekly update is now live, there are some great pictures of campus events and the DIS build, follow the link below to see all the news :
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD logo banner.
Fall floral subscriptions are out. Thank you to the DHS floral design classes, the arrangements look fantastic!
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DHS floral subscription arrangement.
The Superintendent's Weekly update is now live! Get updates about campus life & activities as well as the the DIS Build here:
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DUSD logo,
DUSD has placed full copies of the plans and project manuals for both increment 1 and increment 2 in the DUSD board room. The documents are available for members of the public to review. Please make an appointment with either Angela Hale ( or Tony Salindong ( if you wish to review the materials.
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the DIS build schematic.
This week the Tiger spotlight is Speech Therapist Ryan Persaud. Congratulations Ryan and Thank You for all of your positive energy
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of the Tiger of the Week flyer.
This week our Tiger Spotlight is on BCOE teacher Nicole Happich. Thank you for being a positive part of our Tiger community!
about 1 year ago, Durham Unified School District
Picture of BCOE teacher Nicole Happich.